Phase Two (Self-Improvement)
From our infancy to the very last breaths before our death, our conscious mind craves recognition from others from varying levels of society. This never ending appetite along with our individual ability to communicate our desires, feelings, and needs is the root of our unique personalities, and therefore each one of us becomes who we are with a specific history, and many of us use selective stories from our background and erect a wall to fortify our personalities. As we grow older these walls become taller to the point that we lose the ability to see beyond, and become a prisoner within our own conscious mind.
Those of us who are not content with this set-up and wish to free themselves from continuous internal conflicts in our thoughts must understand that there are only two types of stories in our history: those which are being chased by us and those which are chasing us to have our attention. Many of these incidents have caused lots of agony in our lives, by not allowing us to unveil our own vanities. Therefore, as soon as we discover the source and the cause of our internal debate, we must embark on our journey for a conflict free conscious. In most cases we recognize what is the right course of action for us, but are unable make a concrete decision and stick with it.
Lack of total understanding of the elements involved in the process, along with fear of incorrect prediction of the future, causes procrastination. This delay in progress makes us passive and unmotivated, and, of course, causes us to lose a considerable amount of time. However, indecision has its own consequences, such as desperation, fear, or weakness. Many of us come to realize this after we dwell on it for a long time, years in some cases. Inability to make an informed decision is an agonizing, daunting, time wasting, and painful experience, using enormous amount of energy, that can leads us toward depression state, and as we know, fatigue and depression feed off each other. So, the more fatigued we are, the more depressed we become, and the more depressed we are, the more fatigued we become. To move on, we have to make a drastic change in our life style, behaviour, outlook, and thinking pattern. Then we end up with more doubt in our life, hence, gradually our self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-respect will diminish.
When we have found out what adjustment we might need or want in our life and are ready to make that drastic decision, we must gather as much useful information about ourselves as possible, in order to plan the roadmap of new changes before we act upon it. Proper planning does not necessarily guarantee the expected result. However, it makes it possible to follow the process of change methodically and systematically, in the pursuit of achieving the desired outcome more decisively, efficiently, and comfortably. To boost confidence and to ease this decision making process, we must vividly envision ourselves before and after the required changes have been applied. We must also be mindful of the reasoning behind them, in order to accept the related responsibilities that come with it as a result.
Although it varies in degree from person to person, the human mind needs constant stimulation and challenges in order to stay healthy and vibrant, which is the main cause of over active thinking patterns and constant internal dialogue in many of us. Medcentration uses this basic existing principle to simply change the direction of these mental activities from external elements to internal realities. Medcentration offers specific steps to guide those of us who are willing to take the matter of our own lives in our own hands. These guidelines help to detach our conscious thoughts from unnecessary elements. They let us establish a relationship with ourselves and learn to live with ourselves, hence, reduce and even in some cases eliminate internal and external conflicts. Following the steps in Medcentration helps us to predict and understand the possible outcomes of actions we are about to take intellectually, and their ramifications in our relations with other people and the environment we live in.
What does it involve?